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Friday, 4 June 2010

Info Post
It’s always a thrill when an issue of Dick Klemensen’s long running Hammer magazine Little Shoppe of Horrors turns up in my letterbox, and the latest two issues are no exception.


Issue 23 covers two of my favourite, somewhat lesser known, Hammer Horrors from the mid 1960s, The Reptile (1965) and The Plague of the Zombies (1966), including interviews with Reptile star Jacqueline Pearce, the late great character actor Michael Ripper, and a rather incendiary interview with the director of both films, John Gilling, who has some very strong and not so flattering things to say about most of the people he worked with at Hammer (and kudos to Klemensen for running the interview as is, in what is mostly a Hammer friendly and positive magazine). Other features in this issue include an interview with Michael Gough (Konga, Hammer’s Phantom of the Opera, Horrors of the Black Museum), Michael Carreras on 10 Seconds to Hell and more.


The current issue of LSOH (24) is devoted to the Mummy movies produced by Hammer (The Mummy, The Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb, The Mummy’s Shroud and Blood from the Mummy’s Tomb), and with its plethora of rare pics and detailed production information, is a must-have for any fans of the series, including an interview with the stunning female star of Terrance Fisher’s sumptuous The Mummy, Yvonne Furneaux.

If you love Hammer Films, or admire vintage British horror cinema in general, you’d be doing yourself a big disservice if you don’t pick up this publication. Apart from all the in-depth interviews and information it contains, the magazine is also beautifully designed, printed on quality glossy paper, profusely illustrated with often rare photos, and features some gorgeous cover and interior art by the likes of Bruce Timm, Mike Schneider and Mark Maddox.



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